Bradford County Florida Strawberry Festival Bradford County Florida Strawberry Festival

Online Vendor Application

Vendor application is due in by Wednesday, March 05, 2025. If you have any special requests or needs that should be considered by the committee please make note on the application, we will take those into consideration. If you want to be placed beside another vendor, it is recommended that you submit your application(s) together.

Craft, Food and Merchandise Vendor Fees

Booth/Lot Size Price
10' by 10' $180.00 (includes tax)
10' by 20' $300.00 (includes tax)
10' by 30' $400.00 (includes tax)
10' by 40' $550.00 (includes tax)
20' by 20' $550.00 (includes tax)
20' by 30' $650.00 (includes tax)
Water & Electric:   Additional Fee of $35.00 (includes tax)

Electricity and Water

Electricity and water will be provided at an additional fee of $35.00 in locations where it is available. Vendors are responsible for covering all cables and wires in vendor's booth, which must remain covered at all times. Extension cords, splitters, nor converters will be provided. Bring a minimum 100 foot extension cord and/or water hose, along with any additional equipment you may require to this event.


Check-In will be Friday, March 28th from 2:00 pm through 7:30 pm at the Fair Grounds. The Fair Grounds are located at 2300 North Temple Avenue (US 301), just North of Starke. At check-in you will be given your location number and vendor parking pass.

Vendor Rules and Regulations

Additional Rules and Regulations for Food Vendors

Food Vendor Application

We are no longer accepting any Food nor Drink Vendor Applications. Please try back again next year. Thank you.

Craft or Merchandise Vendor Application

To apply online as a Craft Vendor or Merchandise Vendor for the Bradford County Strawberry Festival, click here.

Organized By:
North Florida Regional Chamber of Commerce
100 E Call Street, Starke, FL 32091
(904) 964-5278
Fax: (904) 964-2863
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